Since 1997 the company AS Drives & Services GmbH is permanently SCC** certified. The SCC (Safety Certificate Contractors) system is a certified management system which is dedicated to (occupational) safety as well as health and environmental protection. AS is thus a competent contractor for technical services of any kind and can prove compliance with all occupational health and safety requirements. The aim of our certification is to keep the number of accidents deliberately low and to ensure a safe working atmosphere also in the future. The validity of this certificate is three years; in the meantime, review audits are carried out both at the Reken plant and on the external construction sites. Our aim is to maintain the certificate permanently. For this reason, every employee undergoes annual training and further training in various areas, such as first aid, crane and forklift training, health, hazardous substances, skin protection and environmental training. With an external safety specialist and two in-house safety officers, we are able to optimally integrate precaution and compliance with all regulations into everyday life.
In order to make a sustainable contribution with our responsibility towards the environment and the surrounding area, we strictly adhere to the ISO standard DIN 14001. In addition, we are certified as a specialist company in accordance with the Water Resources Act. The biennial recurring inspection takes place both at AS and at one of our production sites. The certificate entitles us to set up, maintain and repair systems for non-flammable liquids hazardous to water. Since all quality standards are permanently monitored, our variable oil circulation lubrication system Lubriflex® can be used at any location without hesitation.
AS Drives & Services GmbH is the first “Certified rebuilder” in the world to be audited and certified in the gearboxes and electric motors sector and has held this since 2019.
AS Drives is therefore a preferred partner of SKF GmbH Industrial Railway (Germany).
Reasons for SKF certification / auditing
Aims of the partnership